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Cleveland Deeds!
(Protect Your Real Estate)

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This website expresses the personal opinions of its Author, the communication of which are protected by the First Amendment of The Constitution of the United States of America. It went online on March 20, 2024.

Stay away from Western North Carolina!
If you don't know which parts are normal and which parts are crooked, you'd best stay away altogether!
You thought you were in the 21st century? Hahaha!! They've invented new ways to steal!

Visit the wrong county and you may lose everything you have!! You've been warned!

* We bought real estate in North Carolina using a Realtor, Lawyer, and Title Insurance.
All three pocketed the money and left us to be harassed and looted. First, they said the seller made a mistake and didn't read the papers. Then they said it was the lawyer's fault (who was chosen by the seller), knowing how impossible it is to sue a lawyer and win - but that only I could fix it by signing over our property and being looted. Make sense?

* Special people wanted our property, so lawyers combined with county and state officials to attack our title and straight GRAB it.
Some people say I should hire a GOOD laywer - to sue the first lawyer and the pack of lawyers at the title insurance company!!! Hahahaa!!! Simple-minded folk think lawyers and government employees keep them safe.
Keep dreaming, faith-filled believers! Get on your knees and bow for your government god!

Now that you've let crooks take over your country, prepare to be looted! Didn't like the inflation? Just wait for your turn with the real estate grab!

* I was even assaulted and then told to watch my mouth - lest I get sued again for speaking against slave "massa"?

*As a State Highway Patrolman said, only people with something to lose are worked over by the legal system of North Carolina.
You may not want to drive a fancy out-of-state car through North Carolina, lest you be targeted for your wealth.
All it takes is for one lawyer or judge to sign a piece of paper and you are looted! Good luck getting one of their Bar Association friends to go against them!
Pay attention to the billboard on 95 South about the government grabbing your cash! You're supposed to hire someone to get it back! Hahaha!!

People in Western North Carolina are apparently so ill-educated that they Believe in the intelligence and honesty of lawyers. Many people talk about how big and bad their lawyer is. I say that this is why the situation is so bad there. Their simplicity is what has placed them in the feudal peasant class.
I have come up with a scientific method for determining which parts of North Carolina you MAY be able to visit without being harassed, looted, or assaulted by a third-world government system. Should I give you that?

I was ripped off big time in Cleveland County, North Carolina. It was not enough for my family (which includes five children) to be ripped off, but my rights were trampled upon and the perpetrators' non-existent rights defended - even to the degree that one of them assaulted me on my own property, in front of the Deputies that they called to get me.

In case you think there was a typo, I'll repeat - the Trespasser called the police on me for my being on my own property, property that her people coveted. And then she threatened to attack me and actually did so, right in front of the Deputies! Some people say this is because the county is occupied by racists. I Believe that it is because the county is operated by the most pestilential and persistent of thieves.

The perpetrator was not only rewarded by a court which later issued an order to give her my family's real estate, but I was told that the criminal case against her for assault, which I say was purposefully misfiled, went missing from the Government Computers. I kept a copy of the summary for your perusal. I was also told that the various DVDs I gave to Government Employees that showed the woman threatening me with assault, just before she attacked, also disappeared. I happened to find a copy and posted it below for you to consider.

This video shows her threatening me on my own property, prior to her cowardly, sneaky attack.
A few moments later, when I was bent down to write upon a sign in the presence of the deputies, she snuck up from behind and struck me in the jaw, knocking me to the ground. I guess some people have more Rights than others in Cleveland County.

For the uncensored version, with all of the cussing, click here

At an earlier time, she called 911 on me with a sobby voice, pretending to be scared, while she and her helper pursued me down the side of the street at the same time, as you can see here. The Government Employees and lawyers know all of this, but when the little people are to be looted, none of it matters.

It has long been decided (by your masters) that the middle class will be eliminated. I hope you are ready for your turn! You may have survived the pandemic disease, but your money won't live much longer!

At the end of 2022, my wife and I bought property in the Cherryville district of Cleveland County. I paid the Realtor, the Lawyer, and paid for Title Insurance. After the money was pocketed, I was told that the Deed was a "mistake", and that they wanted me to sign half of it back over for free. That if I didn't do so, the Judge would be staring down at me from his bench, asking why I wouldn't do it. They call it a Reformation of Deed. It continues on unto the influential law firm that somehow gets away with attaching distorted exhibits, printing on the backs of legal papers (which then become orders) and pushing Life Estate Deeds that I find rather suspicious in their construction.

Images of Begley and some of the lovely ladies of McIntire Elder Law, as replicated from their website.
I believe this is what's known as a "good lawyer".
Doesn't he look like a well-seasoned, experienced genius? He must be real smart if he knows enough of "the law" to have a family's deed heisted from them
based on what he says one of them "believed". Or maybe he just has some good friends? You decide!

Well, I guess it really started with a gamed MLS listing - those things apparently show up however they want on various sites and even have a secret back-end with additional information.

Basically, the perpetrators had hoped that I would end up paying approximately double the fair market value for the property, and that I would be tricked into it by a gamed MLS listing and a bunch of psychology. I demanded a draft deed prior to authorizing payment and the Deed came out as I expected, but they were going to fix that by talking me into signing much of the land back over. If that didn't work, I'd be sued in the cozy Cleveland County legal community, where I was told that lawyers never go against each other. (And I'll add, where an outsider is unlikely to win a case against an insider.)

..Sure there was a Deed, but "Did you BELIEVE you would get 22 acres?"

Their case to grab was apparently about what the grabbers say I BELIEVED at some point, which was supposedly more important than a Deed and a Contract. To think that I had BELIEVED that Deeds meant what they said...Oops!

They were (and still ARE??) too dumb to be able to even provide a property description or useable survey to show what they want to grab. And yet they were able to get a court Order for the grab, nonetheless. I guess they'll just cook up the details later, and it will be fine. I Believe your Government employees will help them. It didn't matter if there were jurisdictional issues as regards grabbing from an out-of-state person, and it didn't matter if the process wasn't served. It didn't matter if my wife never spoke to the realtor, seller, or lawyer - go ahead and grab from her too! If you have religious FAITH in lawyers and government employees, you'll surely say it must be my fault. Or that maybe it takes a GOOD lawyer these days to buy and hold real estate. (I mean an EXTRA one because I already had one do the closing, and I paid for title insurance from Investor's Title, which was supposed to ensure defense by a whole pack of lawyers, as necessary.) But if you aren't naive, and if you reserve your Faith and adoration for God, you won't waste so much faith and adoration on any class of human, let alone the classes aforementioned.

Despite my being the rightful owner of the property, as reflected by the county tax records, the seller maintained a presence in a fenced in compound on my property. This despite having apparently spent my money on another house in town! Whenever I went to the wrong side of my property, she called 911 on me. In civilized states, this is illegal. In Cleveland County, it was apparently fine for her to do so. My property was apparently watched when she was not there, and as there were no cameras, there must have been a neighbor involved. The one across the street refused to talk to me when I tried to communicate, so you can come to your own conclusions there.

Why are people, lawyers, and Government Employees so crazy about this property? I am convinced that there is to be development on Cherryville Road.

Also, I should mention that I located the man who used to run a car lot there. He claimed that he still owned the road frontage of the property, that the woman was squatting, and that he was holding the property to sell when the road was widened. My guess is that he is one of those who can acquire "Justice" at the Masonic courthouse, and that I suspect that he is behind all of this.

He apparently borrowed a lot of money on the property, got foreclosed on, then it was sold to the woman for $125K (the lawyer told me $145K)..then I bought it for $175K, only to be told that they were going to take 10 of the acres from me. Greedy guys, huh?

Some people think that if there is development near their property, they will make money. This case seems to suggest that a group of special people can make money, but the little people will simply be looted.

Social Services Gets Involved!

Your Government Employees act like they Love children more than their parents do. I will leave it to you to consider the depth of their "Love" when you see how they reacted to kids' family being looted and their father being assaulted.

The woman who attacked and set her special Ladybird Deeds lawyer on us apparently used to work at Social Services. On the day that I was assaulted, Social Services received an "anonymous call" that my kids didn't have water. I should mention that she had the water on the property turned off prior to the attack. That was apparently also fine with Social Services who didn't show any care whatsoever about what was happening to us, yet told me that my case would remain open until I let them crawl into my family affairs. I told them to take a hike - my file for them remains open too. And it will remain open until they compsensate me for their actions and lack thereof.

Click here to see the e-mail I sent to Social Services after their harassment.

By the way, various lawyers and Government Employees apparently believe the notion of my publishing these details is "threatening". (I have been told to watch my mouth lest there be consequences - I'd be sued again, perhaps!) There are many people who believe that the Social Services of various places are behind human trafficing. Don't you find Social Services to be threatening when they say that their file on you will "remain open" until you let them at your children?

I was told by various people that there would be consequences for me defending my rights. I have been told that I would be sued for speaking against the lawyers involved, that I could be "framed", and that I should have a lawyer stitched to my sleeve before I even speak to you, the Reader. Would you like to live in a country where you need a lawyer's approval before you can open your mouth - all while you are being robbed and beaten? I say that God loves TRUTH and that liars hate both truth and God. I say that those who think an American should be required to have a lawyer to speak up must HATE our Country and its Constitution.

It is my BELIEF that Cleveland County is run by crooks, and that my family was ripped off big time simply because I had assumed that Cleveland was a normal place. I had never heard of a Deed being a mistake and having to give the real estate back while the money was kept. I WAS of the belief that if someone signs a contract, then they are bound - that they can't say they didn't read it. I guess that's for the little people and those who join the military.

I am presenting my story in the hopes that you will be able to find a way to express some human sentiment as regards the situation we ran into.

Incidentally, I offered to give all of the property back in exchange for all of the money back, but that wasn't going to work for their plan to grab big, easy bucks. So the answer was NO.

I should now mention that normal people may not want to drive through weird, cozy places. Anything can happen to you there, and no one will be able to do anything about it. I have heard of worse happening in the deeper counties of North Carolina. North Carolina's state government is apparently weak, and thus advantage is taken of people in places where no one will hear your cries. A North Carolina Highway Patrol man told me that the only ones who are attacked by the court system are those who have something to lose, and that criminals are treated gently. I can say that I personally saw a criminal coddled in court with my own eyes. And now you will be able to say that you have read of a Christian family that was straight ripped off and worked over simply for showing up with their savings and refusing to give half immediately to the thugs who demanded it.

I should also mention that the Order says that I am supposed to pay my enemies' court costs too. Doesn't that sound nice?

P.S. I tried the County Manager's office. It is my opinion that they don't care if the county is sued, because the taxpayer would foot the bill. I think people should wonder what exactly it is that the County Manager and Attorney do for them. It is my Belief that their real job is to conspire against the public they pretend to serve, counting upon the ill-placed faith of a simple-minded public.