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Cleveland Deeds!
(Protect Your Real Estate)

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This website expresses the personal opinions of its Author, the communication of which are protected by the First Amendment of The Constitution of the United States of America. It went online on March 20, 2024.

It is my opinion that anything that's not tied down is in danger of looting by someone, particularly those who are greedy and refuse to labor honestly.

And so I am offering a digital copy of the Deeds of Cleveland County!

It turns out that Deed books have not been printed for years. The deeds are now being digitized. They are in the cloud, they are entrusted with the same people who taxed me for my property, defended the rights of someone else on it, and then grabbed it for them. This is the county where a criminal case file apparently disappeared! Why wouldn't your deeds vanish as well?


If you are a faith filled Believer (in the integrity of your Government Employees), then surely you will feel safe with all of your assets in their hands. The inflation has shown you what is to be done with your money - POOF!

It looks to this victim as though the rest of America's wealth is in real estate, and special people have cooked up a new way to grab even that.

I also believe that the new Life Estate Deeds, known as "Ladybird Deeds" are designed to wreck titles. Then the owner can be blamed for trying to circumvent the rules of Medicare - after all, it's always the little person's fault.

In a county where property descriptions end up on separate pages (my draft deed was originally missing that page, until I demanded it), and the way that Deeds are managed by the lawyers, etc, I wouldn't trust the Deeds to float around in the ether. Who knows, but a page may disappear or be replaced at any time! And I know from experience that all it takes is for a crooked lawyer to file a bogus paper. If a special lawyer files a fake deed against you, particularly after it has been edited in the cloud, then good luck not getting looted!

Having the bulk of the County's Deeds in your own pocket will help ensure that you have a complete Chain of Title, which is necessary to prove the value of your Deed.

And so I downloaded as many of Cleveland's Deed Books as possible from the website, for your acquisition as a whole.

E-mail to request a copy of the deeds on a USB stick for $50.

You may write in a request to:

Cleveland Deeds
P.O. Box 306
Maysville, Kentucky 41056

Sorry about the loss in revenue, Betsy. Blame Begley. If only you had spoken up or
done something about all of the Deed funnybusiness...

Your purchase will help restore the victim's family funds and put food on the table.

NOTE: The deed images have a large Watermark indicating that they were downloaded
from the internet, just as they do on the site that they were downloaded from.

There is no guarantee that the files are perfect or that all of the deeds were online when they were downloaded. There is no guarantee that someone had not already edited your deed. However, they were responsibly downloaded and responsibly tested. You should look up your Deeds in these records - if you have any problem, let me know and you will be taken care of. These deeds are public record, however, the presentation of them is protected artwork. They were downloaded in an antiquated format which was converted by personal effort. The file listings are personal artwork. The digital signatures files are personal artwork. And remember, the idea and delivery of these deeds to the Public is mine and should be respected.

The laborer is worthy of his hire.